The first acts of the revolution were triggered by the policies of the Supreme Command ( Oberste Heeresleitung) of the German Army and its lack of coordination with the Naval Command ( Seekriegsleitung). Among the factors leading to the revolution were the extreme burdens suffered by the German population during the four years of war, the economic and psychological impacts of the German Empire's defeat by the Allies, and growing social tensions between the general population and the aristocratic and bourgeois elite. The revolutionary period lasted from November 1918 until the adoption of the Weimar Constitution in August 1919. The German Revolution or November Revolution ( German: Novemberrevolution) was a civil conflict in the German Empire at the end of the First World War that resulted in the replacement of the German federal constitutional monarchy with a democratic parliamentary republic that later became known as the Weimar Republic. Revolutions and interventions in Hungary.Conscription disturbance at the Brisbane School of Arts.Most of the earlier fleet engagements occurred within sight of land, or at least within 100-200 miles of base. What's different about the carrier battles like Midway and Phil Sea is that they occurred so far from base, unlike almost everything that preceded them. Combined with Midway, it proves that size of fleets has little direct bearing on historical significance. Trafalgar involved only about 60 ships total. Salamis (480 BC) pitted 370 Greek combatants against perhaps 1,200 Persian vessels.

The Armada involved some 320 ships though at least half the English fleet was composed of essentially noncombatants. However, some of the battles of antiquity dwarfed Jutland and Leyte. In fact, the Philippine Sea battle (june 44) involved as many carriers as the previous four flattop duels combined. Anyway, Midway (130 ships/subs directly engaged) didn't come close. 44, though there are arguments as to whether PT boats should count. 250 ships) was the largest naval battle OF THE STEEL ERA until Leyte Gulf in Oct. Thus, better conditions enjoyed by the sailors aside, the morale of the Royal Navy would be far higher than the Germans, for they had a reputation to maintain.Īlthough there would no doubt still have been losses to the RN, it would have been a pretty one-sided affair and if denied an escape route the HSF would have been destroyed. This would have made the surprise needed by the Germans to capture the British off-guard or whilst dispersed all the more difficult to achieve.įinally, given their lukewarm reception after the seemingly inconclusive engagement at Jutland - which was actually won by the British, in a roundabout way, even if they took heavier losses, since they were not broken and the Germans thereafter remained in harbour - the men of the RN would be itching to defeat the German fleet beyond all shadow of a doubt before the end of the War. The Submarine Service had also improved in terms of the quality of its boats and its numbers, and were engaged in the North Sea througout, minelaying, sub-hunting and conducting surveillance of German harbours. '18, and the RNAS airships and aircraft provided reconaissance over the potential battlefield. The first aircraft carrier, HMS Argus, was commissioned in Sept. Its bored and frustrated crews, cooped up aboard rotting ships and frequently pruned of their best men for the U-Boat arm and, to a lesser extent, others for use in the trenches, were melancholic and, as it transpired, politically volatile.Ĭonversely, by 1918 the Royal Navy had grown considerably in both numbers and quality and ship types, reinforced by elements of the United States Navy operating from the UK alongside the Royal Navy, including some capital units working with the Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow. As Andy said, by 1918 the German High Seas Fleet was not in the best state of training or repair, having essentially been out of the War since (and before) Jutland in 1916.